/Teaching/Mobile Security/Assignments/Task 2 – Presentation

Presentation of Results


  • The final presentations of your practical results will take place in lecture room i12 on Friday, June 14th at 10:00.
  • Please send your presentation (pptx or pdf) via e-mail to mobilesec@iaik.tugraz.at until June 7th (together with your submission) at 23:59.
  • Presenting your project results is a mandatory part of Task 2.
  • Presentations will have to be held in person, in lecture room i12.

Why we are doing this?

The idea of the presentations is to show to your colleagues what topic you have worked on, how you approached it, and what outcome you have achieved. Usually, in other courses, you just hand in a submission, receive points for it and all the effort you have put into the project goes somehow unnoticed. At the beginning of this course, you have chosen an individual project that sounded appealing. Upon request, I happily provided you with hints, tricks, feedback on all the topics. However, for most projects there was not just one way to approach and solve them. You were expected to bring in your own ideas, manage the time you can dedicate to the project among other duties, and to still deliver qualitative results. To shed more light on your individual contribution and your achievements, this is the platform to proudly present them to a wider audience. In past years, really cool results have been elaborated on the basis of just some tiny abstracts that I have planted as “seeds” and I am looking forward to seeing similar outcomes this year.

How are we doing this?


Basically, the presentation should enclose the initial problem/task, your approach(es) and your results. The focus, of course, should be put on your results. Hence, instead of just repeating the problem situation, please put an emphasis on your specific contribution. Think of the presentation as a “unique chance to sell your product”. You are encouraged to highlight the benefits of your work and to show your colleagues a nice achievement you have worked on during this class. In terms of a “Live Demo”: Yes, you can because it’s always a nice switch to something different than slides. However, if you want to do this, please test it beforehand. Of course, a “Live Demo” is no obligation. Please consider that it is a) likely to cause unexpected problems and b) may exceed the granted timeslot of 10min. So please keep that in mind when thinking about a live demo.


Each group is given a time slot of about 10 min to present the results of your work. After that, you will have ~5 minutes to answer questions from me and from the audience.

As a group, please come to a mutual agreement who is leading the presentation. Similarly, there are no formal requirements for the design of the presentation. Only one thing: Please try to stick to the time slot of 10 min in order to prevent a general delay situation. Also consider this when creating the slides. Typically, one slide / minute is adequate.

Presentation Procedure

This year, the presentation will be held in person, so you won’t need to register for a particular time slot. Still, make sure to show up in time and bring your own laptop!